How To Increase Your Motivation: 5 Ways to Feel More Motivated

Words byNicola Barnes

September 01 2022

How To Increase Your Motivation: 5 Ways to Feel More Motivated

5 Tips For Motivation:

A lack of motivation can be our biggest obstacle when it comes to completing daily tasks like organising your home, exercising, and getting work done. It can also prevent us from reaching bigger goals e.g. a fitness or career goal. If you find yourself struggling in this area, give these strategies a try to help you feel more motivated. Bear in mind that everyone is different, so try a few different tactics to figure out what works best for you! If a lack of motivation starts to become a problem in your everyday life and prevents you from doing your day-to-day tasks, you should seek professional advice.

Set achievable goals

A key strategy to help you feel more motivated is to ensure the task you set for yourself is achievable and ensure you know what you’re aiming for. Your end goal should be measurable, e.g. I want to achieve ‘x’ in ‘x’ amount of time. Having this timeline in place will help you to stay on track and be realistic about how quickly you can get to your goal.

Tip: Create a vision board give yourself a clear image of what your end goal and the smaller elements that will help you get there. You can add goal dates to this and pin it up where you’ll see it every day.